Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Teachers Websites

The first teachers website I came across was Ms. Rain, and she is a math teacher at Patrick Henry High School. Entering her website I really didn't find much. She did have an introduction of what she was learning during the summer and couldn't wait to introduce the new things in her classroom. She wanted to let families know that their is always new things to learn in her classroom and that she is an active educator in her field. It doesn't seem like she changes her page often. Maybe one a year. She does give you access to her contact information and some of er links to different math things doesnt work.

The second teachers website I came across was Ms. Hopkins and she teaches Chinese at Patrick Henry High School. Entering her website it is very overwhelming with lots of words. She introduces herself in both languages and has the outline of the school year on it, which also gives parent a look at what their child will be doing in her classroom.  She has photos from when she was in China teaching and that lets parent know that she is capable of teaching this language. She has links to the school and her email address.

The third teacher website that I came across was Ms. Berg a teacher at Patrick Henry High School and she has outlined what she is expecting in her class as far as attendance and her policies. she also has a syllabus of what the year will outline and that is very helpful for parents to see if their child is behind. She updates maybe twice a year and she keeps her website up to date on important things. She does have a link to her mapping schedule and her email

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