Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

Section 1
1.  any copying or copyrighted material done for a purpose. Teachers are instructors and they are using this for educational purposes
2. Are the following allowed?
3. Always give credit to your sources
Section 2
1. What is plagiarism?
-to steal and pass off(the ideas or words of another) as one's own
2. How can teachers detect plagiarism?
-unusual phrasing, noticeable unevenness of style, concepts that seem to sophisticated for class and unclear  or incorrect sources listed in bibliography.
3. What are the ways your student may try to cheat in class?
-students may access information online and submit it as their own work, look to friend who have already taken the course and get answers.
Section 3
1.What are the risks of allowing your student to access the internet?
-Bring viruses into an entire network, be spammed with useless emails, cheated my con artists, information can be misleading or inaccurate, can become addicted to internet use
2. What choices do you have as an educator to protect your students from pornography, abuse, harassment, etc on the Internet?
-acceptable use of policy, Discuss issues with students, Be pro active as a teacher, Filtering Software
3.How will you supervise students use of the internet?
-i will make an effort to ensure students are directed to sites that are age appropriate, and if i teach high school i would just monitor every once in a while
Section 4
1. I agree for always making a back up copy, but as a teacher I shouldn't have to worry about my students breaking things that don't belong to them
2. Yes I agree because he only had one copy and you need to have a copy for every student
3. No because he is using a copy right CD he has to get permission to copy that CD
Section 5
1. Yes because its a website for teachers and students that make it OK to do so, has long as they are giving credit to source
2. Yes because the student is giving credit to the source
3. Yes because he has downloaded it from the cite
Section 6
1. Yes because the teacher videotaped it and they didn't steal it
2. Yes because the first student had permission to put in on internet and someone found it, and made it ok to show
3.Yes because they are allowing children to enjoy themselves while watching a video
Section 7
1.No because you are stealing , you found something that defeats the copy protection
2. Yes because these are their own picture they took from something that is public for people
3. Yes, as long as they cite where they got the songs from and give the artist their credit
Section 8
1. I should tell both in my opinion, because you want to let the facilitator know what happened and warn the principle that this might could cause a fine
Section 9
1. What is the Children's Internet Protection Act?
-address concerns about children access to obscene or harmful content over internet. it imposes certain requirements on schools or libraries that receive discount for internet access.
2. What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
-it criminalizes production and dissemination of technology, devices, or services intended to circumvent measures that control access to copyrighted works
3. What is the Teach Act of 2002?
-expand the scope of educators' right to perform and display works and to make the copies integral to such performances and displays for digital distance education

Friday, March 6, 2015

Social Media

This articles is about a student who made threats to an high school. Threats are very serious and for students to threats the school body is ridiculous. That student is either depressed or going through things and really needs serious help. It is never ok to threaten peoples lives on social media and not get exposed.Social Media